Welcome to Naima ================ .. comment: split here Naima is a Python package for computation of non-thermal radiation from relativistic particle populations. It includes tools to perform MCMC fitting of radiative models to X-ray, GeV, and TeV spectra using `emcee `_, an affine-invariant ensemble sampler for Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Naima is an `Astropy`_ affiliated package. .. comment: - Code: http://www.github.com/zblz/naima .. comment: - Documentation: http://naima.readthedocs.io .. comment: split here There are two main components of the package: a set of nonthermal :ref:`radiative`, and a set of utility functions that make it easier to fit a given model to observed spectral data (see :ref:`MCMC`). Nonthermal radiative models are available for Synchrotron, inverse Compton, Bremsstrahlung, and neutral pion decay processes. All of the models allow the use of an arbitrary shape of the particle energy distribution, and several functional models are also available to be used as particle distribution functions. See :ref:`radiative` for a detailed explanation of these. Use the sidebar on the left to access the documentation. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 installation.rst radiative.rst mcmc.rst tutorial.rst sherpa.rst examples.rst .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 dataformat.rst units.rst api.rst License & Attribution --------------------- Naima is released under a 3-clause BSD style license - see the `LICENSE.rst `_ for details. If you find Naima useful in your research, you can cite `Zabalza (2015) `_ (`arXiv `_, `ADS `_) to acknowledge its use. The BibTeX entry for the paper is: .. code-block:: bibtex @ARTICLE{naima, author = {{Zabalza}, V.}, title = {naima: a Python package for inference of relativistic particle energy distributions from observed nonthermal spectra}, year = 2015, journal = {Proc.~of International Cosmic Ray Conference 2015}, pages = "922", eprint = {1509.03319}, adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015arXiv150903319Z}, } Contributing ------------ Please report any issues with the package `here `_. All development of Naima is done through the `github repository`_, and contributions to the code are welcome. The development model is similar to that of `astropy`_, so you can check the `astropy Developer Documentation `_ if you need information on how to make a code contribution. .. _github repository: https://github.com/zblz/naima .. include:: ../CHANGES.rst